
Report to Council, 24 March 2020

23 March 2020

The purpose of this report is to present the draft Elsternwick Park Nature Reserve (EPNR) Masterplan for adoption and detail how the Masterplan achieves the four Reserve Priorities of water quality, environment, amenity and flood protection.

The draft EPNR Masterplan (the Masterplan) will guide the development of the former golf course site into an environmentally themed area of passive open space. The Masterplan site is bordered by New Street on the east, Bent Avenue on the south, St Kilda Street and Elsternwick Ovals 1 and 2 on the west and Glen Huntley Road on the north.

Recommendations to be considered (from Council report)

That Council:

1. Adopts the Elsternwick Park Nature Reserve Masterplan 2020 as shown in Attachment 1.

2. Authorises the Chief Executive Officer to commence negotiations with the City of Port Phillip to finalise a funding agreement between the two parties.

3. Receives a report at a future Ordinary Meeting of Council regarding the progress of the funding agreement with the City of Port Phillip.

4. Approves the commencement of works associated with the design and construction of the chain of ponds as detailed in the Elsternwick Park Nature Reserve Masterplan 2020 as shown in Attachment 1.

5. Continues to engage with the Community Reference Panel during the detailed design stage of the chain of ponds.

6. Commences community consultation on the remaining elements of the Elsternwick Park Nature Reserve Masterplan as shown in Attachment 1.

7. Writes to members of the Community Reference Panel to thank them for their contribution towards the development of the Elsternwick Park Nature Reserve Masterplan.

To read the report and the draft Masterplan please visit Council's webpage.

Due to restrictions on mass gatherings and social distancing as result of the COVID-19 outbreak, until further notice, Council and Committee meetings will proceed without members of the public present. You can watch the meeting via livestream via Council’s website

Alternative arrangements are in place for members of the community to make a submission in relation to items listed on the agenda via the following links:

Requests to be heard -

Ask a question at an Ordinary Meeting of Council Please note questions must be received by 11:00am on the day prior to the meeting

For further queries, please speak with the Governance office on 9599 4444.