
Planning permit application received

18 June 2020

The planning permit application for the proposed Fern Street Children’s Centre has now been lodged and is available to view on Bayside City Council’s website under application 176/2020.

The application, submitted by Bayside City Council, is for Buildings and works associated with the construction of a new children’s centre building comprising of facilities for 3 and 4 year old kindergarten, a single multi-use room catering for occasional care, playgroup and community activities, an online toy library hire service and a maternal and child health consulting room for visits by appointment.

Public notification of the application is currently underway. All of the plans and documents submitted with the application are available to view and download on Council’s website through its Planning Application Register.

As the formal planning process has now commenced, this project will be separated from the community consultation process. All enquiries about the planning permit process must be directed through Bayside’s planning department at or calling 9599 4666.

To make a submission

If you wish to make a submission to the application you must do so in writing via

  • A letter that clearly states your concerns including your contact information;
  • A formal objection form (available at the statutory planning department), or
  • The online objection form available at

Submissions are open for two weeks.