Frequently asked questions

The Asset Plan is a 10-year document that guides the way Council prioritises and manages its assets to increase their lifespan whilst ensuring that their replacement, disposal, upgrade or renewal occurs at the right time and in the most cost-effective manner.

As an outcome of the Local Government Act 2020, councils are required to develop and adopt an Asset Plan (the Plan) by June 30, 2022. The Plan aims to be the overarching document that provides strategic direction to ensure that infrastructure assets are managed and maintained efficiently and effectively, for the next 10 years.

Council manages approximately 3.2 billion dollars worth of assets which include buildings, roads, drainage, car parks, footpaths, playgrounds, open space, sportsgrounds and ovals.

The Asset Plan is a key element of our medium and long-term planning and delivery of Council’s services to our community. The Bayside 2050 Community Vision drives the Council Plan and the Asset Plan subsequently links to relevant sections of the Council Plan.

The draft Asset Plan is expected to be considered in conjunction with community feedback from this consultation at the Council meeting to be held on 26 April 2022.

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Eugene Stackpole

Assets and Investigations Coordinator

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