
Consultation extended and new drop-in session

7 April 2021

Council staff will be at Peterson Street Reserve in Highett (near the skate park) on Thursday 15 April between 4pm – 6pm to take your feedback and answer questions about the proposed artwork to be built in the southwest corner of the park.

This session has been re-scheduled after the Peterson Street carpark was used as a COVID testing station after the recent Brisbane outbreak.

We would like to know about what kind of public art inspires you. What materials would you like to see used? Is there a particular theme the artwork should follow? How would you like people to feel when they walk past the artwork? Amazed? Inspired? Happy? Confronted? Curious?

Council will be commissioning an artist through a selective tender process to create something that will capture your imagination, become a landmark for the area and engage people in conversation.

Date: Thursday 15 April

Time: 4 – 6pm

Location: Near the skate park (or in the Youth Centre if raining)

If you can’t make the drop-in session on Thursday, we still welcome your feedback online at

We have extended our online consultation until midnight on Thursday 15 April 2021.