Let’s talk about pets and public spaces
We're forming a Fetching Feedback focus group to hear about community experiences with pets and public spaces in Bayside, and share ideas for Bayside's next Domestic Animal Management Plan.
The group, formed of around 20 residents of diverse backgrounds and interests, will also help identify their preferences for dogs off-leash on beaches and make recommendations for the DAMP to be presented to Council.
Share your experience
We're seeking expressions of interest from community groups and organisations to present at a Fetching Feedback session, and share their perspectives and experience to inform discussions.
We want to present a range of views so would love to hear from:
- Pet community groups
- Environmental and resident community group representatives
- Sportsground users and clubs (managers/ trainers/ players), including Life Saving Clubs
- Pet-related businesses (e.g. vets, dog trainers and walkers)
The sessions will run on Thursdays from 6pm to 9pm on (You would not need to attend all sessions):
- 13 March
- 20 March
- 27 March
- 3 April
If you're interested in presenting at a session, please complete the expression of interest form below. We amy not be able to have all applicants present, but will be selecting presenters to ensure diverse views about pets in public spaces are shared and considered by the focus group.
We will confirm if you've been selected as a presenter by 24 February, and provide more details about the sessions and timing. We expect each presentation to be about 5 - 10 minutes, with time for questions.
Please contact Christine Embleton at damp@bayside.vic.gov.au or 03 9599 4715 if you have any questions about the sessions.