Find out more about pets in Bayside
Frequently asked questions
- What is a Domestic Animal Management Plan?
- Where can I read the current DAMP?
- Why is Council considering changes to the Ricketts Point dog off leash area?
- What protections apply to Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary?
- What does no 'net loss' in spaces for dogs to be off leash actually mean?
- How can I register my pet?
- Where can I exercise my dog off-leash?
- When does my cat need to be inside?
- Where does my pet’s registration fee go?
- Why are you asking for feedback?
- Can we get a new secure off-leash dog park?
- How and when can I provide feedback?
- Will my feedback be considered?
- How will decisions about the plan be made?
Frequently asked questions
- What is a Domestic Animal Management Plan?
Under the provisions of the Domestic Animals Act 1994, all councils in Victoria must have a Domestic Animal Management Plan which is renewed every 4 years.
Bayside’s Domestic Animal Management Plan (DAMP) outlines Council’s policies, practices and programs for domestic animals (primarily dogs and cats). It covers responsible pet ownership, complaint handling, lost animals, registration, off-leash areas and compliance with relevant State and local laws.
The DAMP sets actions to be delivered over four years. These can include new or improved programs and services or changes to existing Local Laws and Council orders (restrictions) for domestic animals.
- Read Bayside's current Domestic Animal Management Plan 2022-2026.
- Read the draft Domestic Animal Management Plan.
- Where can I read the current DAMP?
You can view the current Domestic Animal Management Plan 2022-2026 here.
Read the Draft Domestic Animal Management Plan 2025- 2029 here.
- Why is Council considering changes to the Ricketts Point dog off leash area?
We need to protect Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary and review dog walking restrictions on all beaches in the Bayside area. Currently, the restrictions regarding dogs on beaches are inconsistent and community members tell us they can be hard to understand. This process is an opportunity to understand how we can strike the right balance between fun on the sand for all visitors while protecting sensitive environments.
- What protections apply to Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary?
The 115-hectare Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary located off Beaumaris is part of a system of 13 Marine National Parks and 11 smaller Marine Sanctuaries created in November 2002 by the Victorian Government to ensure that representative samples of Victoria’s diverse marine environment are conserved for future generations. It protects a range of marine life and is highly valued for its diverse marine life, fish nurseries, and migrant and resident bird populations.
- What does no 'net loss' in spaces for dogs to be off leash actually mean?
The introduction of any changes to existing beach restrictions can impact on the level of access available for users, therefore as part of the review Council will need to be mindful that any subsequent beach restriction changes minimise net loss of dog off leash areas.
- How can I register my pet?
Visit our pets and animals webpage to find out more about registration, microchipping and other ways to keep your pet safe.
- Where can I exercise my dog off-leash?
See our dog-friendly or dog-free options for when and which beaches welcome dogs off-leash during the summer season.
Our interactive places to walk your dog map makes it easy to explore and understand where and when doggos can be off leash in Bayside.
- When does my cat need to be inside?
To help protect animals in our community, Bayside regulations require the confinement of cats between 6pm and 6am or between 9pm and 6am during daylight savings. Find out more
Council has decided not to proceed with 24-hour cat containment, which would have required cats to always be confined to their owner’s property from mid next year.
This decision recognises the challenges that 24-hour cat containment would impose, particularly for older and low-income resident cat owners, as well as renters who may not be able to adapt their home to ensure their cat could not escape during the day.
Cats are still required to be confined at night, which means cats must be at home between 9pm and 6am during daylight savings. During the winter months (non-daylight savings period), cats must have an earlier bedtime of 6pm to 6am.
Cats that are kept safely at home, particularly at night, are at less risk of injury from cars, disease and other animals, and prevented from killing native wildlife.
- Where does my pet’s registration fee go?
Part of the fees set by the state government go towards animal welfare programs within the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR). They also provide funding for research into animal welfare. These research programs provide everyone with valid and reliable information about maximising the welfare of our animal companions.
Your registration fees also contribute to many other services including:
- Promote responsible pet ownership
- Dog poo bags (1.9 million+ each year) in 86 dispensers
- Pounds and shelter facilities
- Free information booklets and fact sheets
- Registration and desexing discounts for pensioners
- Pet events, such as the Pet Expo
- Investigate approximately 2,000 complaints annually
- Animal management staff to support the collection and return of stray animals to owners.
- Why are you asking for feedback?
Bayside has one of the highest rates of pet ownership in Victoria – with pets residing in more than one in three households. Owning a pet has many benefits, including an improved sense of wellbeing, safety and social connectedness. However, not everyone shares the same views about pets.
Council is seeking feedback on pets and public spaces to ensure its Domestic Plan Animal Management Plan 2025-29 meets the broad and diverse needs of the Bayside community.
Under the Domestic Animal Management Act (1994), Council must review its Domestic Animal Management Plan (DAMP) every 4 years. The next Plan must be adopted by Council before December 2025.
- Can we get a new secure off-leash dog park?
The Domestic Animal Management Plan (DAMP) covers leash restrictions and timings in existing shared open space areas. Secure, exclusive, or new dog off-leash areas are strategic Open Space considerations and would form part of a local master planning process – which is outside of the scope and role of the DAMP. Bayside’s Open Space Strategy is expected to be reviewed in 2025-26.
Feedback gathered through this engagement program that is outside of the scope of the Domestic Animal Management Plan will be shared with our Open Space and Recreation team to inform future plans and strategies.
If you haven’t already, join Have Your Say as a member to hear first when new projects and plans are open for consultation. Select the ‘join’ button at the top of this page to become a member.
- How and when can I provide feedback?
There are a few opportunities to have your say in the first phase of consultation:
- Online open access survey between 16 January - 23 February 2025
- Drop a marker on an interactive map to specific feedback on current beach restrictions and provide your feedback on what is working/what needs to be improved
- Join the Fetching Feedback group. Register your interest to find out more
- Pop-up and drop-in sessions throughout Bayside.
- Ask a question via our Q&A forum
Feedback from the first phase of engagement will be used to set actions in the Domestic Animal Management Plan 2025-29.
There will be a second phase of consultation on the draft Domestic Animal Management Plan. This anticipated to take place in May / August 2025. Press the blue subscribe button at the top of the page to receive updates on this project.
Following revisions from community feedback received in the second phase of consultation, a proposed new Domestic Animal Management Plan 2025-29 is expected to be considered by Council for adoption in November 2025. Bayside must adopt its new Domestic Animal Management Plan by December 2025.
- Will my feedback be considered?
All feedback will be considered, but not everyone shares the same views about pets, so we won’t be able to include all ideas in the Domestic Animal Management Plan 2025-29. The consultation process aims to include a broad range of community members to ensure a representative cross section of views and interests.
It is vital that we hear from a broad section of the community – including people who don’t have pets – to ensure our Domestic Animal Management Plan meets the diverse needs of our community. You can find out more about stakeholders we’re consulting with here (link to engagement plan overview)
Feedback gathered through the engagement process which is outside of the scope of the Domestic Animal Management Plan will be shared with our Open Space and Recreation team to inform their future plans and strategies.
- How will decisions about the plan be made?
Bayside’s Domestic Animal Management Plan 2025-2029 is being informed by:
- Requirements from within the Domestic Animal Management Act 1994
- Community feedback across two phases of engagement
- Consultation with Bayside City Council departments
- Legal advice
- Benchmarking with other Local Government areas
Council will consider any changes to the beach restrictions at its May 2025 meeting. The draft Domestic Animal Management Plan 2025-29 will also be presented at May 2025 meeting, followed by community consultation on the draft Plan.
Following revisions from community feedback received in a second phase of consultation in May-August 2025, a proposed new Domestic Animal Management Plan 2025-29 is expected to be considered by Council for adoption in November 2025.
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