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Find out about the playgrounds in Bayside which we have recently upgraded and the ones we're looking for feedback on to make them more accessible, safe and fun.

Our playspace upgrades are guided by the Playground Improvement Plan. This outlines a plan to upgrade all 61 playgrounds around the municipality.

The new designs are developed in conjunction with feedback from Bayside's Playground Testers, users and local residents.

You can receive updates on playgrounds by selecting the blue +Subscribe button.

  • There are 61 playgrounds in Bayside

  • We've already upgraded 40 playgrounds as part of the Playground Improvement Plan

  • We're aiming to ensure that each playground offers a range of play experiences for different ages and abilities

A plan for play!

In 2015 Council endorsed the Playground Improvement Plan. This outlines a plan to upgrade all 61 playgrounds around the municipality.

The Plan to upgrade all 61 playgrounds will not be completed by 2025, this is due to projects being paused during COVID and the escalating construction costs.

A review of the Playground Improvement Plan will take place this year (FY24-25) where we will look at the remaining playgrounds still to be upgraded and priorities them and their construction timing through the reviewed program over the next 5 years. We have currently completed 40 playground upgrades.

Each playground will have an allocated budget that takes into account location, size, accessibility, facilities and proximity to other playgrounds in the neighbourhood. In Bayside, there's plenty of variety and options for play within a short walk, ride, drive or public transport trip

Community feedback helps us to develop the designs and get them ready to build.

The next playgrounds we are getting ready to build in 2024/25 are:

  • Whyte Street Reserve in Brighton
  • Hanby Street Reserve in Brighton
  • F.E Tricks Reserve in Black Rock

We will also be looking for feedback on a playground design at Cheltenham Recreational Reserve.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Call for Playground Testers

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Playground Testers provide input into concept plans

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Develop concept plans

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Seek wider community feedback on concept plans

  • Timeline item 5 - active

    Detailed design of playgrounds

  • Timeline item 6 - active

    Find playground builders

  • Timeline item 7 - active

    Build playgrounds

Playgrounds next for upgrade

Discover the exciting new plans for the next three playgrounds that will be built around Bayside as part of the Playground Improvement Plan (2021-25).

Now open for play

All these newly upgraded playgrounds are now open!

To make a submission or enquiry about a playground, please get in touch via the following methods:

  • Email at
  • Phone Belinda Griffiths Recreation Coordinator 03 9599 4881
  • In person to the Corporate Centre at 76 Royal Avenue, Sandringham
  • Post to Bayside City Council, PO Box 27 Sandringham 3091
  • Anonymously via the postal, phone or email details above.

Please select the blue subscribe+ button at the top of this page to receive updates about upcoming consultations.

Engagement plan overview

Read how we conducted engagement for the previous playground designs 20/21

Join to have your say


Contact us

(03) 9599 4444

Bayside City Council, 76 Royal Avenue

PO Box 27, Sandringham VIC 3191

For general enquiries to Bayside Council

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