Frequently asked questions

A procurement policy sets out the key principles, processes and procedures applied to all purchases of goods, services and works by Council.

All Councils are required under sections 108 and 109 of the Local Government Act 2020 (the Act) to prepare, adopt and comply with their procurement policy.

The Procurement Policy must include the following:

  • the contract value above which the Council must invite a tender or seek an expression of interest
  • a description of the criteria to be used by the Council to evaluate whether a proposed contract provides value for money
  • a description of how the Council will seek collaboration with other Councils and public bodies in the procurement of goods or services
  • the conditions under which the Council may purchase goods or services without inviting a public tender or expression of interest;
  • a description of the process to be undertaken in inviting a public tender or expression of interest
  • inclusion of a level of detail in the Policy which would be better articulated in and implemented through associated procedures/guidelines.

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Tim Lawson

Procurement Lead

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