
What you told us about the proposed sale of land adjoining 34 and 2/36 Raynes Park Road, Hampton

16 February 2023

Thank you for participating in our community engagement on the proposed sale of land adjoining 34 and 2/36 Raynes Park Road.

Between 23 November – 20 December 2022, we heard from 40 community members via survey (38) and email (2) about their views on this proposed sale.

Support and concerns

Most survey respondents (71%) were supportive of the proposed sale (58% strongly supportive and 13% somewhat supportive).

Common reasons for support included the proposed sale was sensible (13 mentions) and no other use for the land (8 mentions). Several comments were received about the sale price being too high (3) and too low (1).

Feedback raised by opposing survey respondents (18% strongly oppose, 8% somewhat) include utilising the land for Hampton Bowls Club parking (3 submissions), and Council gifting the land (to Hampton Bowls Club, 2 submissions; to adjoining landowners, 1 submission). Additional parking requires the removal of some trees, and Hampton Bowls Club is leased on Council land, therefore land ownership is unable to be transferred.

Some opposing respondents suggested alternate use for the land. Planting vegetation (2 submissions) and a small playground (2 submissions). The underground sewerage and drainage easements make planting significant vegetation problematic, and the size of the land (92m2) is deemed too small to make it a pocket park.

What we’re doing

Council is reviewing community feedback and considering alternate ideas for the use of this space.

Next steps

Council has moved the decision on the proposed sale of land from the February meeting. This enables more time for consideration for potential use of the land. Council will review community feedback of the proposed sale of land adjoining 34 and 2/36 Raynes Park Road at its 18 April 2023 meeting.

Council meeting 6.30pm, 18 April 2023

  • Read the agenda. The agenda for this meeting will be available on 12 April 2023
  • Ask a question
  • Request to be heard
  • Watch the meeting