Locations of significant change

Station Street footpath widening

The plans propose to widen footpaths on Station Street and Waltham Street which will result in a loss of four car parks. This will allow for planting new garden beds and widening the existing parking spaces to make them compliant with present Australian Standards.

Please rate your level of support for this change

Expansion of plaza on Station Street

The proposal is to expand the existing plaza to incorporate the village square. This requires a redesign of the roundabout to allow bus manoeuvring around the village square. The plan will require a loss of six 15 minute car parks from opposite the station, noting that we will retain four short term drop off car parks along Station Street.

Please rate your level of support for these changes

General feedback

Once you have reviewed the draft plans on the side panel and the illustrations, please provide your feedback below.

Please provide all other comments or concerns regarding the draft plans. Let us know what parts you like and what parts you don’t

Footpath upgrade

The Masterplan endorsed by Council in 2016 proposes to update the footpaths to ensure the village is safe and accessible for all users. The new footpaths will be updated with a mix of exposed aggregate concrete at all crossing and corners and asphalt in all other locations.

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