
Report to be considered by Council on 24 March 2020

20 March 2020

A report that summarises the outcome of the community engagement undertaken in December 2019 for the Sandringham Streetcape project will be presented at the March Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 24 March 2020.

A number of key issues were raised throughout the engagement process by the community. The report includes three options that respond to community feedback. The Village square is removed from all options.

The Agenda is now available on Council’s website. Please refer to item 10.5 in the Agenda to view the full list of recommendations to Councillors.

In response to the current Corona Virus/COVID-19 outbreak, Ordinary Council Meetings and Planning and Amenity Committee meetings will now proceed without members of the public present, until further notice. Alternative arrangements are in place for ‘Requests to be Heard’ and ‘Public Question Time’, which are outlined below:

Requests to be heard

Instead of a person attending the meeting and speaking for 3 minutes, a person may make a submission via Council’s website on any item on the agenda. All submissions will be provided to all Councillors prior to the meeting. Submissions will be listed according to the items on the agenda.

A member of Council staff will read the individual submissions out at the meeting in an audible voice and within a 3 minute time allocation for each submission, no further extension of time can be granted. The names of the submitters will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.It would be appreciated if you could keep your submission brief and succinct to the matter before the meeting.

Ask a question at an Ordinary Meeting of Council

All questions received and responses will be read out at the meeting. All questions and responses will be recorded in the minutes.

Council meetings will continue to be live streamed via Council’s website at

All enquiries relating to Council Ordinary Meeting procedures should be directed to Council’s Governance Department by telephone (03) 9599 4444.

Should you have any further queries regarding the Sandringham Village Upgrade proposal, please contact the Urban Design Team by email at or phone 9599 4444 and your call will be directed through.