Project objective

Council is seeking feedback on the intention provide a new lease for the new basketball stadium at 150 Tulip Street in Cheltenham to the Southern Basketball Association for a commencement rent of $4,112 +GST per annum for 20 years.

Project impacts

The scope of this consultation relates to a new lease for the basketball stadium in Tulip Street, Cheltenham. It does not include the development of the new stadium which is currently under construction. Find out more about the project.

The new lease is proposed for the Southern Basketball Association (SBA), which is a community group and annual rental is therefore low. However, the SBA as the current tenant will have provided $1M before occupation and a further $2M over the term of the proposed lease towards the capital construction of the new stadium.

If a lease is not issued to the SBA, Council will have to operate the stadium directly or find another tenant, as well as forgoing the capital provided by the proposed tenant. This would have significant impact on the operational and capital budgets of Council.

What information do we need from the community?

In accordance with Council’s Community and Stakeholder Engagement Policy 2021 and Section 115 of the Local Government Act 2020, Council wishes to be open and transparent about a proposed decision to provide a new lease to Southern Basketball Association Inc (SBA) for the use of Council property on the Sandringham Family Leisure Centre site for a period of 20 years. We invite public feedback on the proposed decision.

What can the community influence?

The community can provide feedback on Council’s intention to offer the new lease to SBA for 20 years.

What can’t the community influence?

  • rental amount which is in accordance with Council’s lease and Licence Policy 2018
  • the building itself has been the subject of a separate Community Engagement Process.

Stakeholders and community

This stakeholder assessment is a generalised understanding of sections of the community that have a connection to the project or matter. This information is used to understand the types of tools and techniques that will achieve the strongest and most effective outcomes for engagement and communication.

Impact: What level of change the stakeholder/community segment may experience as a result of the project /matter

Interest: What level of interest has been expressed or is anticipated

Influence: Reference to the IAP2 Spectrum




IAP2 Level

Local businesses in the Sandringham Family Leisure Centre site




Wider Bayside community who will be impacted by the lease income/loss of lease income




Other sports groups




Current members of the SBA




Selected tools and techniques

The tools and techniques selected for this project are informed by the project content, stakeholders and type of feedback sought. The impact of COVID-19 restricts our ability for face-to-face communication, as well as slower distribution of printed mail.

Key tools for communicating the project

  • letters distributed to neighbouring residents
  • email to all tenants at Sandringham Family Leisure Centre
  • Council communication channels, including website and e-newsletter.

Key methods for gathering feedback

  • online consultation via Council’s Have your say platform
  • contact email address and phone number of Council Officer provided for interested community members to ask for further information or provide feedback.

Decision-making process

Community consultation will be open between 27 April – 11 May 2022. It is expected that Council will consider community feedback at its meeting on 28 June 2022.

The agenda for this meeting, including the community engagement report, will be published on the Wednesday before the Council meeting via Council's website.

Project subscribers will be notified of the results of the engagement and the Council report at this time. To receive updates on this project, click on the blue 'subscribe' button at the top of this page.

All Council meetings are live-streamed via Council’s website. Interested members of the community can ask a question of this meeting or request to be heard.