Project objective

Royal Avenue Tennis Club is a popular and valued recreation facility in Sandringham. It provides social and cardio tennis, coaching, and competition opportunities for the Bayside community.

We’re proposing to upgrade lighting on six of the 14 (situated closest to the clubhouse) in accordance with Australian Standards AS2560.2.1. The proposal includes installing 24 x 7.5-metre-high light poles with LED lights on courts 1,2,3,5,6,7 in accordance with Australian Standards AS2560.2.1.

To assist with funding the proposed six-court LED lighting project, the Royal Avenue Tennis Centre is applying for a Sport and Recreation Victoria grant, in partnership with Bayside City Council. Bayside City Council will support through project management but will not be financially contributing to the lighting upgrade.

Project impacts

The shorter (7.5 metres) light towers will reduce light spill and lower impact on wildlife and surrounding residents. The LUX (illuminance) spill report indicates lighting levels on property boundaries below 5 LUX.

Lighting the six courts will also offer more flexibility by increasing participation opportunities beyond daylight hours and facilitate safer play during twilight hours. The lights will also enable the facility to operate consistently year-round.

The club currently operate 7am – 9pm Monday to Saturday, and 8am – 8pm Sunday and Public Holidays. The proposed light installation will increase usage on the six courts by one hour Monday – Saturday (7am – 10pm).

What information do we need from the community?

The two-week community engagement period will gather feedback about the proposal to install the new lighting. Participant contributions will be collated via online comment submissions on the project’s Have Your Say page. Contributors can also directly contact the project lead via email or phone to provide feedback. The information collected will help to decide on the project’s delivery.

What can the community influence?

  • Council’s understanding of community sentiment about the installation of the light towers

What can’t the community influence?

  • The Sport and Recreation Victoria grant submission
  • The type of lighting used and the positioning of the lighting towers

Stakeholders and community

This stakeholder assessment is a generalised understanding of sections of the community that have a connection to the project or matter. This information is used to understand the types of tools and techniques that will achieve the strongest and most effective outcomes for engagement and communication.

Impact: What level of change the stakeholder/ community segment may experience as a result of the project/ matter

Interest: What level of interest has been expressed or is anticipated

Influence: Reference to the IAP2 Spectrum

Stakeholder / community




Local residents




Royal Avenue Tennis Centre




Club members




Players visiting the club




Selected tools and techniques
The tools and techniques selected for this project are informed by the project content,
stakeholders and type of feedback sought.

Key tools for communicating the project
  • Project page on Have Your Say engagement platform
  • Project information letter to residents adjacent to the tennis centre
  • Signage at Royal Avenue Tennis Centre
Key methods for gathering feedback
  • Online comment submissions on the project’s Have Your Say page
  • Email, post, or phone submissions
  • Opportunity to book a meeting with Project Manager to discuss the project
  • Printed materials, as required.

Project timelines

Preparation of grant application


December 2023

Community consultation


8 December – 21 December 2023

Collate and consider feedback

Not yet commenced

January 2024

Project delivery

Not yet commenced

Providing Council support and successful grant application

Decision-making process

The community will be engaged over a two-week consultation campaign about the proposal to install the new lighting. Feedback will be considered before deciding on the project delivery, provided the Sport and Recreation Victoria grant application to fund the project is successful.

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More information:

Alan Webb

Acting Recreation and Events Coordinator