
Royal Avenue Tennis Centre lighting upgrade grant outcome

7 June 2024

In December 2023 the Royal Avenue Tennis Centre (RATC) proposed to install a lighting infrastructure upgrade, including 24m X 7.5m poles and LED luminaires to 6 of their 14 courts. The project was dependant on undertaking community consultation and obtaining additional funding.

Council supported with the consultation to gather feedback from nearby residents, club members, and the community about the proposed lighting upgrade at RATC.

Between 8 – 21 December 2023, we heard from 122 unique contributors (126 contributions) via online comment submissions, uploaded statements, and direct email to Council Officers about their views on the RATC lighting upgrade.

Following consultation, Council applied through the Sport and Recreation Victoria’s Local Sporting Infrastructure Fund for part funding of the light project.

In May 2024, Council received notification from Sport and Recreation Victoria’s Director of Community Infrastructure and Place that the application for the Victorian Government’s 2023-24 Local Sports Infrastructure Fund was unsuccessful.

Council Officers requested feedback from Sport and Recreation Victoria to help understand the decision on the unsuccessful application.

Sport and Recreation Victoria received many applications to the program from Local Government Authorities across Victoria. All applications were considered against the eligibility and assessment criteria and investment priorities outlined in the 2023-24 Local Sports Infrastructure Fund Guidelines.

Royal Avenue Tennis Centre will be investigating other funding opportunities that might be available to pursue the lighting project.