
What you told us about the Royal Avenue Tennis Centre lighting upgrade

4 March 2024

Royal Avenue Tennis Centre is proposing to install lighting infrastructure, including 24m X 7.5m poles and LED luminaires to six courts (of the 14 available). The purpose of this community engagement was to gather feedback from nearby residents, club members, and the community about the proposed lighting upgrade at RATC.

Between 8 – 21 December 2023, we received 158 contributions via online comment submissions, uploaded statements, and direct email to Council Officers about their views on the RATC lighting upgrade.

The consultation requested contributors to provide their connection to the proposed project:

  • Tennis player (non-members): 46.2%
  • Club members: 32.91%
  • Neighbouring residents: 14.56%
  • Other: 6.33%

An overwhelming 157 responses were in support of the lighting upgrade at RATC. Feedback in support of the lighting upgrade included:

  • Extending lighting hours allowed more flexibility.
  • Health & social benefits.
  • Safety benefits.
  • Increasing participation.
  • Improve facilities at RATC.

There was one contribution not in support of the upgrade. The reasons provided included concern for noise and light pollution, and the impact on local wildlife. The resident didn’t provide contact details to enable a discussion about this feedback, however it is noted that the designs would be compliant to meet Australian Standards.

During the consultation, Council also received one suggestion about the consultation timeframe (8 December – 21 December 2023). The contributor noted the proximity to the holiday period was not ideal for residents (who may have been away or busy in the lead-up to the end of the year). Community engagement programs are generally scheduled outside of busy holiday periods; however, to meet the Local Sporting Infrastructure Fund (LSIF) grant submission criteria, the community consultation was launched as soon as all details were finalised and prior to the December submission deadline.

Grant funding for the Sport and Recreation Victoria’s (SRV) Local Sporting Infrastructure Fund (LSIF) will be announced in April 2024. If the grant application is successful, the club will look to progress with lighting upgrade at RATC adhering to all lease and permit obligations.

To find out more, read the complete report on community engagement.