
Bayside’s SRL submission and position paper

7 August 2024

Bayside Council endorsed a submission to the Suburban Rail Loop Authority (SRLA) and a Position Paper at its July meeting and will continue to engage with key stakeholders to develop a common advocacy position regarding the SRL project.

Bayside’s submission and Position Paper has been strengthened to:

  • advocate to Suburban Rail Loop Authority to exclude Eddie Street Reserve from the Precinct Plan boundary of the Suburban Rail Loop Precinct Plan
  • advocate for the identified open space along Jack Road, which currently forms part of the Laminex site, to be delivered via purchase, long term leasing (50 years or more) or via Public Acquisition Overlay by the Suburban Rail Loop Authority
  • advocate for the land underneath the raised rail corridor to be utilised for additional open space to serve the Highett Activity Centre
  • advocate for a reduction of height of the residential-zoned land north of Highett Road, and bound by Worthing Road and the railway line, to a maximum of 4 storeys where land is consolidated
  • advocate for an additional pedestrian crossing of Bay Road in the vicinity of the Aldi supermarket.

Bayside’s advocacy position been informed by community feedback received earlier this year and respond to key concerns regarding increased building heights and density; environmental impact; traffic congestion; lack of access to open space, recreation, community facilities, services and infrastructure.

The submission and Position Paper identify on-the-ground actions that should be undertaken to deliver the best possible outcomes in realising these key directions

You can read Council’s resolution on the matter at agenda item 10.1 (page 20) of the meeting minutes.