
Council to consider SRLA submission and position paper

18 July 2024

Council is considering a submission prepared by Council officers to the Suburban Rail Loop Authority (SRLA) and Position Paper at its 23 July meeting.

The Suburban Rail Loop Authority’s (SRLA) precinct structure planning process will deliver a draft precinct structure plan and draft planning scheme amendment for the SRL precinct area. By way of working towards this milestone, the SRLA have developed a set of draft Key Directions which focuses on increasing greater housing choice and meeting the needs of a growing population.

Bayside City Council is deeply concerned about the SRLA’s draft Key Directions and the lack of meaningful engagement with Council and the community. These directions will have impacts across Bayside and dramatically change the neighbourhood character of Highett, Hampton East, Cheltenham and Pennydale.

Both documents prepared by Council officers have been informed by community feedback received earlier this year and respond to key concerns regarding increased building heights and density; environmental impact; traffic congestion; lack of access to open space, recreation, community facilities, services and infrastructure.

Both the submission and Position Paper identify on-the-ground actions that should be undertaken to deliver the best possible outcomes in realising these key directions

Next steps

The Council officer submission to the SRL draft key direction for the Cheltenham Precinct, and the Position Paper will be considered for endorsement at Council’s 23 July meeting.

You can read the submission and the position paper in the meeting agenda.

Council meeting: Tuesday 23 July 2024, 6:30pm