
Suburban Rail Loop key precinct directions not on track in Bayside

14 May 2024

Excessive height limits, increased traffic congestion and a squeeze on open space and community infrastructure are just some of the initial impacts identified by Bayside City Council.

Bayside Mayor, Councillor Fiona Stitfold said that she was concerned that the draft precinct key directions would have negative effects far outside the immediate precinct zone.

“Bayside has been working with the Suburban Rail Loop Authority to advocate for positive outcomes within and beyond the SRL precinct however we are concerned that this has not translated to the key directions,” Cr Stitfold said.

“We are supportive of the need for more high-quality housing, particularly affordable housing, close to transport, jobs and services that responds to environmentally sustainable design principles. The precinct key directions, however, propose a short-sighted response to the complicated issue of housing supply that will potentially leave Councils and communities to deal with the consequences,” Councillor Stitfold said.

“While we support housing growth, the SRL’s proposed height limits are excessive. The draft plans pitch up to 18 storeys against existing one and two level homes. The proposed height limits must be reduced and stepped down to protect the area’s distinctive neighbourhood character,” she said.

Council is also concerned regarding the lack of new open space proposed within Bayside, with little detail provided on what enhancements to existing open space could mean for residents or Council land. The impact on the environment from significant population growth, both in the immediate precinct zone and more broadly across Bayside and Port Phillip Bay is also not sufficiently addressed.

Population growth will also place excessive pressure on a local road network that is already struggling. The bottleneck of a single lane Bay Road under the Frankston line railway bridge will increase traffic chaos along this important east-west route through Bayside.

Community facilities, services and infrastructure would also be challenged by an influx of new residents, with no clear direction on how additional services will be funded or provided.

Council will consider a report on the impacts of Victorian Government-led planning projects in Bayside at the May Council Meeting and a proposed submission on the SRL Precinct Key Directions at the July Council Meeting. This submission will seek to provide constructive feedback to the Victorian Government.

The SRL Authority is seeking community feedback on the Precinct Key Directions and the Bayside community is encouraged to have your say.

SRL are holding local information sessions in May and June on the Precinct Key Directions.