Project updates

Wilson Recreation Centre renewal

Council has agreed to provide Brighton Grammar School (BGS) with use of Wilson Recreation Reserve for the 2022 rugby season in exchange for community access to Brighton Grammar School’s Crowther Oval.

Wilson Recreation Reserve will be used on eight Saturdays across the 2022 rugby season, with the potential for one or two additional Saturdays if there is a fixture re-draw later in the season. The oval will continue to be used by the community outside of the winter rugby fixture.

This agreement would support community access to Crowther Oval throughout the rugby season on Sundays from 10am to 3pm to offset the use of the Wilson Recreation Reserve on Saturdays by BGS. Access to the oval will correspond with the dates of the rugby season.

Crowther Oval is located on Brighton Grammar School grounds in Outer Crescent Brighton and will be available for passive exercise. Dogs or any formalised, large group or high intensity uses will be strictly prohibited on the oval.

The rugby season will run from 7 May to 18 June 2022 and again from 23 July through to 13 August 2022. Find out more information on the rugby fixture.

Brighton Grammar School rugby fixture


Wilson Recreation Reserve is located opposite Brighton Grammar School (BGS). The sportsground has been utilised by BGS for winter school rugby, lunch break overflow and physical education/sports lessons since 2004.

In 2021 BGS put forward a submission to redevelop Wilson Recreation Reserve and seek a nine-year licence with Council that was later withdrawn.

As part of this proposal Council undertook a community consultation process seeking feedback from community members including local residents, schools, members of sporting clubs and members of Bayley House.

Feedback highlighted that the park is an important asset that is valued for its shared community use and the value it provides in supporting healthy and active sports participation and informal recreation opportunities.

Council also received strong support for upgrading the playing surface and investigating other opportunities to improve the amenities located at the reserve.

Council will explore additional park improvements to Wilson Recreation Reserve including: improvement and better maintenance of the playing surface, addition of seating, drinking fountain, BBQ and an accessible connection to Bayley House as part of the preparation of future Council budgets. A new public toilet facility will be accessible to park users as part of the redevelopment of the Brighton Recreation Centre.

As well as this, a community connection event will be planned with key stakeholders to plant an indigenous tree and understorey planting.

Brighton Recreation Centre upgrade

More information on community consultation undertaken and what is planned next