Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
Current usage
Brighton Grammar School (BGS) proposal
- What happened to the plans to build a sports pavilion at Wilson Recreation Reserve?
- Why does BGS need additional open space?
- What is involved in the BGS license agreement?
- How is that different from a lease agreement?
- How will Council manage requests for maintenance?
- What will be the impact on my use of the reserve?
- Can I still access the oval while Brighton Grammar School is training?
Current usage
- What is Wilson Recreation Reserve currently used for?
Wilson Recreation Reserve is 1.7 hectares of highly valued open space, classified under Bayside’s Open Space Strategy as having the prime function of a sportsground, while often used by the community for passive recreation and essential exercise.
As the sportsground is located opposite Brighton Grammar School (BGS), the sportsground is utilised by BGS for winter school rugby, lunch break overflow and physical education/sports lessons.
- Why does the sportsground need to be renewed?
The sportsground reconstruction will improve the damaged surface and address drainage issues at the site. This includes replacement of the existing synthetic centre wicket, utilising drought tolerant instant turf and installing a new irrigation system.
Brighton Grammar School (BGS) proposal
- What happened to the plans to build a sports pavilion at Wilson Recreation Reserve?
At the April 2020 meeting Council provided in-principle support for Brighton Grammar School to commence the planning process to construct a sports pavilion and reconstruct the sportsground at the Reserve, while seeking a 21 year licence agreement.
Members of the local community had the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposal as part of the planning process with Brighton Grammar School.
During this process Council received some strong, localised objection to the proposed pavilion development, particularly by residents abutting the Reserve.
The revised BGS proposal is in response to discussions between Council, neighbours, community groups and the BGS to find a resolution to the issues raised about the pavilion development.
As a result of these discussions, BGS has withdrawn their previous application and submitted a revised solution that better addresses the concerns of residents.
The change of focus for the improvements for Wilson Recreation Reserve will result in favourable outcomes for the wider community.
- Why does BGS need additional open space?
Council staff have been unable to identify any alternative winter use for their rugby team and consider the historical allocation of Brighton Grammar School (BGS) winter rugby as appropriate use of this community asset.
Staff have been able to locate Council records that show BGS rugby at the site since 2004; however, indications are usage may predate this record
- What is involved in the BGS license agreement?
A licence agreement will be developed with BGS (template available via document library on this page) that specifies the responsibilities of each party and details the hours of use allocated for the life of this agreement.
It is proposed that Brighton Grammar will be allocated use as detailed below:
Year round:- Lunch time access (excluding Thurs) 12.40pm – 1.30pm
- Thursday lunch time access 1.30pm – 2.20pm
Winter (April to September)
- Monday to Thursday 3.30pm – 5.30pm
- Saturday 8.00am – 2.00pm
Summer Use
Outside of allocated community cricket training and competition.
- How is that different from a lease agreement?
A Licence Agreement permits a person (licensee) to occupy land (or part thereof) on particular conditions.
The main feature that distinguishes a licence from a lease is that a licence does not permit exclusive occupancy of the land. Unlike a lease, a licence does not create any interest in the land and the rights created by a licence are personal and do not run with the land.
- How will Council manage requests for maintenance?
Council will continue to manage requests for maintenance at the sportsground and will notify Brighton Grammar School (BGS) of these requests.
The maintenance services will be provided by BGS to ensure the sportsground remains in prime condition.
- What will be the impact on my use of the reserve?
The Brighton Grammar School proposal ensures the sportsground remains accessible for passive or active use when not allocated for community or school sports activities.
The proposal does not result in any changes to the existing (or historical) use of the Reserve.
The sportsground will continue to be allocated by Council for summer use by local Bayside cricket clubs, including Brighton Cricket Club. These clubs will directly benefit from the development of an upgraded sportsground.
- Can I still access the oval while Brighton Grammar School is training?
Activities within Bayside’s municipal reserves are regulated under Division 2 of the Neighbourhood Amenity Local Law.
In this context, this means that access to the playing area of a municipal reserve during a sports match or gathering is restricted to players, competitors or officials while the match or gathering is in progress.
- Will there be any other upgrades considered?
Feedback is restricted to the Brighton Grammar School proposal. If you would like to submit any additional comments please fill in the survey and provide your feedback via the comments box at the end of the survey page.
- What community consultation has Council undertaken for this project?
In 2018 community consultation was undertaken as part of the Wilson Reserve and Brighton Recreational Masterplan.
As part of the community consultation process, respondents said the Reserve is an important open space where they can be in a natural environment, socialise and be active.
Almost all respondents acknowledged that the Reserve requires upgrading and the site will not meet the needs of the community in the future. The three most common improvements mentioned during the consultation period included updating the drinking fountain, tables, seating 40%, improve the surface 31% and install an undercover area 29%.
You can view the community engagement report by following this link.
- How does this link to Bayside’s strategies?
Improvements to sport and recreation facilities is supported by a number of key strategy and policy documents including:
- Active by the Bay Recreation Strategy 2013
- Bayside's Community Vision 2050.
- Open Space Strategy 2012
We will be updating the Open Space Strategy in 2021.
- What is happening with the Brighton Recreation Centre upgrades?
Design development of the Brighton Recreational Reserve is underway. We anticipate that the design of the new and improved Centre will be ready for community viewing later in 2021.
Please ensure you are subscribed to the project page to receive updates.
- What are the next steps?
Council will consider the results of community feedback at its 17 August 2021 meeting.
The agenda, including the community engagement report and Council officer's recommendation in relation to the future use of the Wilson Recreation Reserve, will be published on 12 August 2021 via Council's website.
The report will include an assessment of the proposal against Council’s Open Space Strategy 2012.