
Community support for the Economic Development, Tourism and Placemaking Strategy

7 June 2024

Between 24 April and 9 May 2024, we heard from 62 participants via Have Your Say online consultation survey respondents (48), one written submission, one conversation (via telephone) with Council officers, and Council officer attendance at two meetings (Bayside Tourism Network (6), and Bayside Traders Associations (6), about their views on the draft Economic Development, Tourism and Placemaking Strategy.

The initiatives survey respondents were most likely to consider the most effective initiatives/ actions to support business, tourism and creating great places were to deliver more events and initiatives (56%), increase street cleaning and maintenance in shopping precincts (50%), and ‘Shop Local’ and social media campaigns to support local business (46%).

The 3 initiatives that were considered least effective were to develop a range of official Bayside tourism merchandise (17%), improve signage and lighting to increase visitation to shopping districts (27%), and offer mentoring and training programs to local business owners (27%).

The most common missed opportunities identified by survey respondents were increased cleaning and maintenance (8 responses), increased parking (7), more/ better support and engagement with business (6), more/ better community art, events, and activities 6 (5). Several members from the Bayside Tourism Network and Bayside Traders Association also referred to activities and facilities for youth (4 responses).

The most common proposed action/ initiatives survey respondents through should be excluded from the strategy included climate change and decarbonisation (6 responses), circular economy incentives (5), and developing a range of official Bayside tourism merchandise (3).

A range of issues were identified by a small number of individuals through direct contact with Council Officers at meetings, and via written and telephone correspondence. The most common issues raised were increased parking (14 comments), cleanliness and maintenance (13), and events and activations (11).

Read the complete report on community engagement:

Council will consider the adoption of the Economic Development, Tourism and Placemaking Strategy at its meeting on 18 June 2024.