
Council to consider your feedback on economic development, tourism and placemaking

19 April 2024

Last year, we heard from over 1,000 community members on ways to support sustainable growth and development of the local economy in Bayside.

This feedback, alongside site and program audits and economic data, has been used to develop a draft five-year Economic Development, Tourism and Placemaking Strategy (EDTPS), which Council will consider at its meeting on 23 April.

The EDTPS has been developed to guide our efforts in supporting the local economy, fostering sustainable tourism, and creating vibrant, functional activity centres that resonate with the community that use them.

Next steps

Following Council’s endorsement of the draft Strategy and consideration of community feedback from early phases of community engagement at its 23 April meeting, we’ll be seeking community feedback on the draft Strategy to ensure we’ve got it right.

As a project subscriber, we’ll let you know when this final phase of consultation opens.

Council meeting:

6.30pm, 23 April 2024 at Council Chamber Civic Centre, Boxshall Street, Brighton