Thank you to everyone who participated in our community engagement on electric vehicle (EV) chargers.

During March and April 2024, we heard from more than 370 community members about our proposal to install EV chargers in shopping precincts in Bayside.

In partnership with JOLT Australia, this fast-charging infrastructure would be installed at no cost to Council.

What we heard

Most participants (266, 74%) provided general feedback on the proposal, while 95 (26%) provided specific feedback about one or more of the nine proposed locations.

Most participants were current EV owners (45%) or interested in purchasing an EV in the future (25%).

Six locations received majority support:

*from participants who provided specific feedback on individual locations

Three locations were not well supported:

What we’re doing

We’re moving ahead with installing the fast-charging infrastructure at the six locations which received support from residents, shoppers, and traders.

Installation at the three proposed locations that were not generally supported (Beaumaris Concourse, Church Street, Brighton and Bluff Road, Sandringham) will not proceed.

Next steps

We expect the six new EV chargers will be installed over Summer 2024/25. Installation should not be disruptive and impacts to community will be managed carefully.

Parking signage will be installed to allocate adjacent parking space(s) to EV charging only.

JOLT will provide 7kWh of free charging to each customer every 24 hours, equal to approximately 45-50 km of driving range, with additional paid charging beyond the free daily charge available.

Supported locations for EV chargers

Select the flashing markers below to see the six EV charging station locations, including an example image.