
Fair Access Policy and Action Plan community engagement summary

7 June 2024

Between 13 March and 21 April 2024, we heard from nearly 100 community members about barriers and challenges women and girls face in participating in sport, the recommended Council and Club action principles, and how Council can encourage meaningful change through a Fair Access Policy and Action Plan.

Barriers and outcomes

The top 4 themes related to key barriers and outcomes for the policy and action plan were identified as:

  • Participation pathways and programs
    • Limited pathways and programs – development, progression, and leadership opportunities
    • Lack of accessibility
    • Lack of inclusivity
    • Equality for all genders
  • Infrastructure/ facilities
    • Need for upgrades, including improvements to all gender facilities, safety and accessibility
    • Allocation and scheduling
  • Education
    • Holistically through Clubs, State Sporting Organisations, Council, and schools
  • Document changes
    • Simplified policy and action principles
    • Focus on compliance and reporting (necessary for State Government)
    • Provide targets and/ or measurable outcomes to actions

Council action principles

There was strong support for all Council actions. Feedback included:

  • A simplified, well structured, targeted, measurable action plan to showcase what Council will achieve or be accountable for (ensuring alignment with State Government compliance and reporting requirements).
  • Education is the top priority when Council adopts the policy and action plan. This includes alignment and collaboration with schools.
  • Sport and active recreation clubs specifically around the implementation of the Fair Access Action Plan and support initiatives around the awareness of gender inequities and advocating for ‘Fair’ change.

Club action principles

Most online survey contributors supported the Club action items. Direct Club/ stakeholder feedback outlined challenges with the Club responsibilities. Feedback included:

  • A more simplified action plan was requested in consideration of volunteer limitations and compliance requirements.
  • Recommendation for club actions be removed from the action plan and have a different approach for what clubs can achieve or be accountable for in their own way.
  • The action plan is to busy, overwhelming and many sports and clubs are at different stages.
  • The feedback provided internally and externally were similar in appealing to sport and active recreation clubs and groups that education and follow up support for Fair Access from Council was going to be required with limited capacity from volunteers.
  • Aligning and listening to the community feedback to adapt the Club Actions will be fundamental to change.

Read the full community engagement summary report:

Changes to the Policy:

Based on the feedback received, several changes have been made to the policy and action plan. These include:

  • Policy structure and simplified language – improved document structure and layout using clearer, easier to understand wording.
  • Club actions removed – removed generic sports club actions. Council will support clubs in undertaking “Health Checks”. Health Checks are self-club assessments that support clubs understanding their baseline of inclusivity that will inform individualised club-specific action plans (including provision of training and resources).
  • Progress indicators – new language to enable measured outcomes such as ‘Council will’ enhance, share, promote, and partner.
  • Council actions - realistic actions adjusted to create tangible outcomes.

Next steps

The updated Fair Access Policy and Fair Access Action Plan will be presented to Council at the 18 June meeting.

Council meeting 18 June 2024, 6:30pm.