
Highett Grassy Woodland hits first milestone

20 June 2024

Council has adopted a plan to conserve, manage and protect the Highett Grassy Woodland following extensive community consultation.

The Masterplan was developed following close collaboration with the Friends of Highett Grassy Woodland and ecological experts. It includes a high-level layout of the site and how it could be enjoyed in the future. We then asked the community to help refine it.

Community consultation took place between 24 April and 19 May 2024. We received 101 Have Your Say surveys, 3 written statements and 8 emails sent to the project team. We also held face-to-face meetings with the Friends of Highett Grassy Woodland, representatives from the Highett Progress Association, Convenors from various ‘Friends of Bayside’ groups and representative Members of Parliament.

Feedback has shaped the final Highett Grassy Woodland Masterplan.

The Masterplan will guide the long-term works required to return the former CSIRO site into an area of grassy woodland, including an extensive weed control program.

As it is an environmentally sensitive area, Council has decided to prohibit dogs when the reserve is ready for community use to protect sensitive indigenous and remnant vegetation. This order will be carried out from the Domestic Animal Act, Order No. 5 made under Section 26.

Opportunities for the wider community to become involved in the restoration process by joining the Friends of Highett Grassy Woodland will also be promoted throughout the implementation of the Masterplan.

We’ve summarised community feedback, or you can read the complete report via Have Your Say.