Project objective

The development of the Urban Forest Precinct Plans is a key action in Bayside’s Urban Forest Strategy to provide a targeted response to future tree planting and greening in each Bayside suburb.

The precinct plans seek to address specific challenges within each Bayside suburb by identifying gaps and opportunities to increase vegetation, such as canopy trees and understorey planting, and better monitor and maintain current and future greening.

The precinct plans will respond to localised challenges and identify opportunities for increased planting by prioritising:

  • Core habitat patches, habitat improvement and linkage areas as identified in the Park Improvement & Linkage Plan 2022
    • Areas that may potentially be impacted by Urban Heat Island effects.
    • Opportunities for roundabout and traffic island planting
    • Areas with the lowest percentage vegetation cover.

    This could include areas experiencing:

      • an increase in density and development activity
      • gaps/vacancies in public planting.
      • activity centres and commercial areas
      • declining canopy or ageing trees.

    Draft precinct plans have been developed for all Bayside suburbs, Beaumaris was the first Precinct Plan to be prepared and was endorsed by Council at its February 2023 meeting following community consultation. Through a community engagement program with interested community groups and residents, we intend to understand preferences and priorities for key actions and outcomes listed in the draft precinct plans and identify areas for improvement.

    Project impacts

    What is the impact if the Precinct Plans are delivered?

    Bayside’s Urban Forest Strategy 2022 was developed in response to the need for urgent, meaningful action on climate change set out in Bayside’s Climate Emergency Action Plan 2020 – 2025.

    The implementation of the Precinct Plans will help make Bayside a more resilient city, with appropriate measures in place to prepare and adapt to the changing climate.

    The Precinct Plans will address a broad range of environmental issues to help establish a cooler, greener, and more attractive urban environment in which the community can enjoy and connect.

    Implementation of the Urban Forest Strategy has already commenced, with more than 3,400 street and park trees being planted in 2022. This is an increase of 2,000 trees that are typically planted annually.

    The combined actions of the Urban Forest Strategy, including the precinct plans, will strengthen ecosystems, ensure natural vegetation is retained and protected, promote biodiversity, and improve habitat connectivity in the suburbs of Bayside.

    What is the impact if the Precincts Plans are not delivered?

    If the precinct plans are not delivered, Council will not have clear direction on where to prioritise and investigate tree and vegetation planting within each suburb. The health of Bayside’s urban forest will rapidly decline if tree and understorey planting is not prioritised. The Precinct Plans are a key action part of the Bayside Urban Forest Strategy and should be delivered to support the goals and objectives as adopted by Council.

    A key objective of the Precinct Plans is to identify the opportunities to plant more trees and vegetation while enhancing the ability to maintain large canopy trees and vegetation on both public and private land.

    Without the Precinct Plans, increasing development and declining canopy cover will continue to threaten the health of Bayside’s urban forest. The removal of vegetation from established gardens, large trees and understorey plantings would contribute to the loss of the distinct vegetation character and have a detrimental impact on biodiversity in Bayside. The loss of trees and vegetation will have a negative impact on the natural and built environment and the health and wellbeing of current and future residents.

    What information do we need from the community?

    We’re seeking community and stakeholder feedback on the draft Precinct Plans to ensure that they align with community expectations and aspirations.

    What can the community influence?
    • The overall ‘vision’ for each suburb as referred to in each Precinct Plan
    • Locations to investigate and prioritise planting
    • Planting locations not already identified in the draft Precinct Plans
    • Species of trees and type of vegetation that should be planted
    • Inclusion of various actions outlined in the draft Precinct Plans.
    What can’t the community influence?
    • Bayside Urban Forest Strategy – adopted by Council in February 2022
    • The requirement for Urban Forest Strategy Precinct Plans
    • Species listed in the EVC planting lists
    • The location of historic EVCs
    • Key Guiding Principles of the Precinct Plans
      • Increasing the tree canopy cover and vegetation as an action of the Precinct Plans
      • Increasing species diversity as an action of the Precinct Plans
      • Monitoring tree canopy cover and vegetation as an action of the Precinct Plans
      • Retaining tree canopy cover and vegetation as an action of the Precinct Plans
      • Service delivery and implementation of the Precinct Plans

    Stakeholders and community

    This stakeholder assessment is a generalised understanding of sections of the community that have a connection to the project or matter. This information is used to understand the types of tools and techniques that will achieve the strongest and most effective outcomes for engagement and communication.

    Impact: What level of change the stakeholder / community segment may experience as a result of the project / matter

    Interest: What level of interest has been expressed or is anticipated

    Influence: Reference to the IAP2 Spectrum

    Stakeholder / community




    General Bayside Community








    Bayside ‘friends of’ groups




    Bayside Environmental Groups

    • Bayside Climate Crisis Action Group
    • Wildlife rescue groups (Birdlife Bayside)
    • Friends of Native Wildlife
    • Bayside Earth Sciences Society Inc.
    • Marine Science Education and Community




    Bayside Community groups

    • Healthy Ageing Reference Group
    • Bayside Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee
    • Bayside Alliance for Heritage Environment
    • Bayside Lifesaving and Yacht Clubs




    First Nations people/ Traditional landowners




    Selected tools and techniques

    The tools and techniques selected for this project are informed by the project content, stakeholders and type of feedback sought.

    Key tools for communicating the project
    • Email notification to Have Your Say subscribers and key stakeholder groups
    • Council website and This Week in Bayside e-newsletter
    • Targeted social media posts, including sponsored advertising to increase reach
    • Direct email to key stakeholders
    • Have Your Say project webpage
    • Article for inclusion in various special interest Council newsletters
    • Digital screens at local Bayside libraries and Corporate Centre
    • Explainer video showcasing Bayside’s Urban Forest
    • Prize draw to win one of 20 plants from Bayside Community Nursery
    • Seed bookmark giveaways through Bayside libraries and Corporate Centre.
    Key methods for gathering feedback
    • Online engagement through Have Your Say, including opportunities to ask questions and provide feedback
    • Meetings with relevant community and environmental groups
    • Drop-in sessions: Bayside Community Nursery, Bayside Farmers Market, Black Rock Gardens, Middle Brighton Baths, Thomas Street Reserve Playground.

    Project timelines

    Project stage


    Community consultation on draft precinct plans.

    28 August 2023 - 8 October 2023

    Consideration of community feedback and amendments to the draft precinct plans, as required.

    October 2023 – December 2023

    Council to consider report on community feedback and adoption of precinct plans.

    February 2024

    Decision-making process

    Community engagement on the draft precinct plans will commence from 28 August - 8 October 2023.

    Council is expected to consider the findings of the community engagement alongside the proposed Precinct Plans for adoption at its February 2024 meeting.

    Please select the blue “+Subscribe” button at the top of the page to receive updates about this project, including notification of opportunities to participate in community engagement and when it will be considered at Council meetings.

    More information

    Bea Guevara

    Senior Strategic Planner

    03 9599 4379