
Well Street Neighbourhood Park is now officially open!

23 November 2023

The new passive open space is located at 7 Well Street, Brighton.

The project took shape in 2021 when Council begun undertaking an engagement process to find out how the community wanted to utilise the 700 square metre Well St site, which is located a short stroll from the iconic Church Street shopping precinct.

More than two-thirds of submissions showed strong support for public open space.

The magnificent park will now serve as an area for residents and the wider Bayside community to sit down, relax and connect with friends and family.

The new area showcases a range of over 500 native indigenous plants, including grasses, flowering plants and large trees. Other features include outdoor seating, two accessible picnic tables, bike racks, accessible pathways, a waste bin and an important pedestrian route through to Church Street.

Three adults sitting on a bench in a small park