
Brighton Grammar School proposed upgrade to Wilson Reserve

30 April 2020

Bayside residents could gain brand new facilities at Wilson Reserve with Council giving in-principle support to progress a proposal for a $2 million upgrade funded by Brighton Grammar School.

Wilson Reserve is 1.7 hectares of highly valued open space often used by the community for passive recreation such as dog-walking and essential exercise.

While Baysiders love to visit Wilson Reserve, findings from community engagement for the Brighton Recreational and Wilson Reserve Masterplan conducted in 2018, found that residents acknowledge Wilson Reserve requires upgrading and the site is not meeting the community’s needs.

Located just across the street from Brighton Grammar School, the reserve is also used for winter school rugby, lunch break overflow and physical education/sports lessons.

Brighton Grammar School is proposing to fund an upgrade of the reserve with no changes to their level of usage so the wider community can enjoy continued access to the upgraded facilities and make use of a proposed new pavilion and rejuvenated surrounds.

Local Bayside community cricket clubs, including Brighton Cricket Club, will be provided priority to apply for summer sporting allocation for the months of October to March.

Additionally, BGS have proposed an additional $100,000 annually for maintenance and upkeep of the sportsground.

Council has provided in-principle support for Brighton Grammar School’s move to commence the planning process for the upgrade. Members of the local community will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposal as part of the planning process.

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