
Community engagement report to be presented to Council

11 August 2021

A report will be presented to Council at its 17 August 2021 meeting which provides an overview of the findings from the community engagement process for upgrading Wilson Recreation Reserve.

A summary of the feedback that was received on the key issues raised during consultation is included in the report and has been published to the main project page on Have Your Say.

The report highlights the support for upgrading the sportsground at Wilson Recreation Reserve and details the localised opposition to the proposal. These concerns relate to the perception that the reserve will be used exclusively by Brighton Grammar School (BGS) and impact the use of open space in the community.

The report also highlights other improvements to the reserve that were outside of the scope but will be put forward for consideration by Council.

Project update

On Thursday 5 August BGS notified Council that after consideration of community sentiment BGS are withdrawing their proposal for the redevelopment of Wilson Reserve.

As such, Council is no longer in a position to formally consider the BGS proposal to redevelop Wilson Reserve or to seek a nine-year Licence agreement. BGS are seeking to continue with existing reserve usage arrangements that are made in line with all Bayside schools when booking the use of Council open space.

It is proposed that Council note that this proposal is no longer active and that BGS use of Wilson Reserve continues to be managed in line with existing Council booking and allocation procedures.

A copy of the report is available via Council’s website item 10.3.

Recommendations to be considered (from Council report):

That Council:

1. notes that Brighton Grammar School has withdrawn its proposal to redevelop Wilson Recreation Reserve and as such is no longer seeking a nine-year licence with Council

2. notes the community engagement report and summary provided in this report

3. continues to manage Brighton Grammar School’s use of Wilson Recreation Reserve in line with Council’s existing booking and allocation procedures

4. reiterates its support for all schools, including Brighton Grammar School, and the important role they play in the Bayside community and provides access to Council’s sportsgrounds to support healthy and active sports participation.

The Council Meeting details are as follows:


17 August 2021


Watch the meeting online


Meeting commences at 6:30pm

Due to current health measures meetings are being held remotely and without members of the public present; however, meetings will be live-streamed via Council’s website: .

Alternative arrangements are in place for members of the community to be heard in relation to eligible items listed on the agenda. To make a submission to the meeting please go to

All enquiries relating to Council Ordinary Meeting procedures should be directed to Council’s Governance Department by telephone (03) 9599 4444.

Please contact Sara Townsend Coordinator Recreation and Events for any project related questions on 03 9599 4318 or email