
Contract awarded for the Brighton Recreation Centre (BRC) redevelopment

7 April 2022

At Tuesday’s Special Council Meeting held on 5 April 2022, Council appointed a contractor to deliver the Brighton Recreation Centre (BRC) redevelopment under Contract CON/21/161.

Read the Council Agenda and Minutes from the Special Council Meeting.

During the meeting it was decided that Council:

1. awards Contract CON/21/161 Brighton Recreation Centre Redevelopment to SJ Higgins Pty Ltd (ABN 14 005 648 395) for the lump sum price of $6,513,320 (excl. GST) and $7,164,652 (including GST)

2. authorises the Chief Executive Officer to sign all necessary documentation related to Contract CON/21/161Brighton Recreation Centre Redevelopment

3. advises the unsuccessful tenderers accordingly.

Next steps

Council will provide an update on timelines and plans for the centre shortly.