
Ordinary Meeting of Council Tuesday 28 April: Wilson Recreation Reserve – Brighton Grammar School

24 April 2020

A report will be presented to Council on Tuesday 28 April to consider a submission by Brighton Grammar School (BGS) to invest in proposed improvements to Wilson Recreation Reserve (the Reserve), Outer Crescent, Brighton.

At the 15 October 2019 Ordinary meeting of Council, it was resolved that Council engage with representatives of Brighton Grammar School to explore and assess the proposal to improve sporting facilities at Wilson Recreation Reserve.

The Reserve is directly adjacent to BGS with the sportsground currently allocated to BGS for use by students during the school term as a morning and lunchtime break-out area. The school also uses the sportsground early evenings (subject to light) and Saturdays during the winter tenancy period for their rugby program. BGS has expressed an interest in investing in the Reserve to improve community amenity through the construction of a sports pavilion, upgrade of the existing sportsground and installation of low-level chain link mesh fencing along the Outer Crescent boundary.

The report recommends that Council:

  1. Provides in-principle support for Brighton Grammar School to commence the Statutory Planning process to construct a sports pavilion at Wilson Recreation Reserve, Brighton.
  2. Commences discussions to develop a 21 year licence agreement with Brighton Grammar School for use of upgraded sportsground and pavilion facilities at Wilson Recreation Reserve, Brighton that reflects Brighton Grammar School’s current usage for winter school rugby, lunch break overflow and physical education/sports lessons.
  3. Ensures that local Bayside community cricket clubs, including Brighton Cricket Club, are provided priority to apply for summer sporting allocation for the months of October to March.
  4. Develops a Memorandum of Understanding that details Brighton Grammar School’s financial commitment to upgrade the sportsground and construct a sports pavilion at Wilson Recreation Reserve, Brighton.
  5. Receives a report at a future Council meeting detailing the outcome of the Statutory Planning and license agreement negotiation processes.

The full report is available on Council’s website.

Recently, the State Government has advised that its Pandemic Plan for the Victorian Health Sector has been upgraded to Stage 3. Until further notice, Council and Committee meetings will proceed without members of the public present. Furthermore, noting the Department of Health’s advice pertaining to close contact, meetings will not exceed 2 hours in duration.

Alternative arrangements are in place for members of the community to make a submission in relation to items listed on the agenda, or to submit a public question, via the following links:

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For further queries, please speak with the Governance office on 9599 4444.