
Outcome of Council Meeting

18 August 2021

At Council's August 2021 meeting a report was considered that provides an overview of the findings from the community engagement process in relation to Brighton Grammar School's proposal for upgrading Wilson Recreation Reserve.

Thanks to everyone who provided their feedback.

At this meeting it was resolved that Council:

  • notes that Brighton Grammar School have withdrawn the proposal to redevelop Wilson Recreation Reserve, and as such, is no longer seeking a nine-year licence with Council
  • continues to support Brighton Grammar School’s use of Wilson Recreation Reserve for school rugby training and matches between 1 April and 30 September (two training sessions and 1 match per week)
  • discontinues any recess or lunchtime overflow usage by Schools on Wilson Reserve from the commencement of the 2022 calendar year
  • encourages other local schools to book Wilson Recreation Reserve for the purposes of school sport
  • provides other local schools with regular bookings of Wilson Recreation Reserve
  • provides access to a toilet facility to be constructed adjacent to the reserve as part of the redevelopment of the Brighton Recreation Centre
  • supports all schools, including Brighton Grammar, with the important role they play in the Bayside community and provides access to Council’s sportsgrounds to support healthy and active sports participation
  • ensures Brighton Cricket Club’s use of Wilson Recreation Reserve through the summer sportsground allocation process
  • based on the feedback provided, considers park improvements at Wilson Recreation Reserve, such as: improvement and better maintenance to the playing surface, addition of seating, drinking fountain, BBQ and an accessible connection to Bayley House as part of the preparation of future Council budgets
  • facilitates a community connection event at Wilson Recreation Reserve with residents and relevant stakeholders to plant an indigenous tree and understorey planting

Council will begin implementing the park improvements listed above and present a progress update back to its Council meeting in December 2022.