
Wilson Reserve and Brighton Recreational Centre Masterplan

14 December 2018

Update: Council has now completed the Community Engagement Plan for the Wilson Reserve and Brighton Recreational Centre Masterplan which aims to gather information and ideas from the community and key stakeholders. The community engagement plan will be taken to the Council meeting on 18 December 2018 and can be viewed here.

If you would like to speak to the report click here.

History of Project: In mid 2018 Council conducted a social infrastructure assessment of the Centre that included broad community and stakeholder consultation. The assessment can be viewed here and the engagement summary can be viewed here.

The main findings of the assessment were:

  • BRC is ageing and lacks storage and contemporary design features (e.g., natural light, flexible meeting rooms, waiting areas, spaces for socialisation, commercial space-cafe)
  • The building lacks storage and spaces for group administration
  • The site of the existing centre has minimal interface and connection and access with the neighbouring Wilson Reserve
  • Many of the existing spaces within the Centre are not fit-for-purpose and require significant set up and pack down between activities.

Based on these findings, the assessment recommended that Council undertake a masterplan process of BRC and Wilson Reserve. This recommendation was taken to Council on the 21st of August 2018 whereby Council:

1. Endorsed the recommendations in the Social Infrastructure Needs Assessment for BRC;

2. Noted the findings from the community engagement activities undertaken to support the recommendation; and

3. To commence preparation of a masterplan for the BRC and Wilson Reserve area.