
Affordable Housing Strategy update

9 June 2021

More than 100 community members took part in our consultation on affordable housing in March-April 2021.

Participants were fairly evenly divided on affordable housing issues, and while many were very supportive of the draft Affordable Housing Strategy’s intent, a similar number were concerned about possible impacts of affordable housing on the character of their neighbourhood, particularly if it is high-density.

Key insights

  • 52% said affordable housing is an issue in Bayside
  • 25% find the cost of living in Bayside affects their ability to meet other essential living costs
  • 56% (average) support the majority of the draft Affordable Housing Strategy's key actions
  • 69% oppose height and car parking planning dispensations where significant affordable housing is provided

Read the complete summary of community engagement on the draft Affordable Housing Strategy.

Next Steps

Council will consider community and stakeholder feedback and adopting a proposed Affordable Housing Strategy at its 15 June 2021 meeting. More information is available in the meeting agenda.

You can watch this meeting live from 6.30pm on 15 June 2021 or view a recording. Community members can also submit a question to the meeting or submit a written statement.