
Council to consider adopting Annual Budget 2021-22

22 June 2021

At its meeting on 29 June 2021, Council will consider community feedback and adopting the Annual Budget 2021-22. Read the agenda for this meeting.

During May/June 2021, 69 community members took part in the consultation on the draft Budget. Most comments (90%) were about infrastructure spending and were primarily opposed to the deferral of funding for some sporting pavilion upgrade projects (64%).

Comments on other types of infrastructure covered a wide range of topics from streetscape upgrade deferrals to public toilets, local footpaths, car parking and a warm water pool. A small percentage of participants were concerned about the 1.5% rates increase.

Find out more about what our community told us during this consultation.

Next Steps

Council will consider community feedback before adopting the Annual Budget 2021-22 at its meeting on 29 June 2021 at 6.30pm. More information is available in the meeting agenda. This meeting will be livestreamed via Council’s website and available as a recording.

If you would like to make a submission to the meeting, you can provide a written statement. Statements must be received by 9am on the day of the meeting.

The Local Government Act 2020 requires each Council to adopt an annual budget by 30 June 2021.