
Black Rock Village community engagement summary

6 May 2019

We have prepared a report to capture the community feedback we received during stage one of consultation on the Black Rock Village Streetscape Masterplan.

The purpose of the consultation was to provide Council with an understanding of both the community and stakeholders existing and aspirations for the Village streetscape.

We received an overwhelming number of contributions to our online survey and on street drop in sessions.

In total, 200 survey responses were received and over 60 participants attended the face-to-face sessions. The vast majority of participants identified themselves as a local or nearby resident.

Key issues

In summary the key topic that emerged from the consultation were:

  • Movement
    • Provide additional bicycle parking;
    • Upgrade footpath paving;
    • Improve pedestrian crossings; and
    • Reduce traffic speeds (40km/ph).
  • Amenities & Activities
    • Provide additional seating in the Village;
    • Improve streetscape and car park lighting;
    • Provide CCTV;
    • Dog friendly amenities (i.e. fountains, furniture); and
    • Provide more spaces for meeting/gathering.
  • Character
    • Provide more street trees and landscaping;
    • Light up the Clock Tower;
    • Provide street art and murals;
    • Reference coast and local history; and
    • Keep the village atmosphere.

Key topics raised outside of the scope of the project, include:

  • Increase car parking;
  • Improve the maintenance and presentation of buildings (private realm) in the shopping village;
  • Limit development (Woolworths in particular);
  • Underground powerlines;
  • Foreshore facilities (BBQ, playground, shelter, dog-off leash); and
  • More Village and foreshore festivals & events.

A detailed report summarising the engagement outcomes is available via the document library.

Next steps

We are now preparing the Draft Masterplan based on the comments we received and will be seeking feedback on the proposed concepts later in August 2019.