
Consultation closing soon on the Annual Budget 2021-22

31 May 2021

Community priorities articulated in the Bayside 2050 Community Vision and Council Plan 2021-2025 have prompted a change in emphasis in this year’s Budget and meant some projects are proposed to be deferred. The schedule for infrastructure delivery has also taken into consideration the current condition of existing facilities. Deferred projects include the Black Rock Village streetscape upgrade.

The Black Rock Village streetscape upgrade was proposed to be funded to commence from 2021-22. It is now proposed to be funded from 2025-26. This funding relates only to the streetscape upgrade: other Black Rock projects including the Black Rock Life Saving Club renewal, the foreshore public toilet, and Black Rock Foreshore Masterplan implementation actions are funded in the proposed Annual Budget 2021-22.

Council is also expected to consider the deferral of the Black Rock Village streetscape upgrade at its meeting on 15 June 2021, as well as through the proposed Budget consultation process.

If you would like to provide feedback on the proposed Budget, consultation is open until 5pm on Wednesday 2 June 2021. Please visit the Annual Budget 2021-22 Have Your Say webpage to find out more.

Relevant meetings and opportunities to provide feedback