
Report to Council 19 February 2019: Parking Technology Church Street Major Activity Centre

15 February 2019

At the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 23 October 2018, Council considered a report on the consultation and parking studies relating to the Black and Well Street car park proposals and resolved (in part) to:

‘investigate maximising the use of existing parking capacity in streets within a short walk to the Church Street activity centre using an electronic parking data collection system integrated with real-time parking availability signage and app-based driver assistance and receives a further report on the options and costs of proceeding with this technology in February 2019.’

A report will be presented to Council on Tuesday 19 February 2019 to present information on the technology, costs and options associated with the provision of an electronic parking data collection system integrated with real-time parking availability signage and app-based driver assistance.

The report recommends to undertake community engagement activities associated with the introduction of in-ground vehicle detection sensors in all on-street and off-street parking spaces within the Church Street Major Activity Centre.

You can ready the full report (item 10.4 on the Agenda) and if you wish to request to be heard in the Council meeting you will need to submit the form by 11am on Tuesday 19 February.