
What you told us about parking technology

27 June 2022

We installed parking sensors and dynamic signage in the Church Street Activity Centre in July 2020 to assist shoppers locate available public parking spaces. The initiative was supported by a phone app, called UbiPark.

In January-February 2022, we wanted to evaluate the project, so we asked the community and local traders about their experiences. Over 200 community members shared their views.

Participants told us that:

Electronic parking signs

• Shoppers

  • Most shoppers were aware of the electronic parking signs 75.7% (140 respondents)
  • Most shoppers said they always or sometimes used the signage to help them find an available car park 53.5% (99 respondents)

• Traders

  • Most traders were aware of the electronic parking signs 83.3% (15 respondents)
  • Most traders viewed the electronic parking signs as a helpful addition to assist shoppers locate an available car park 66.7% (12 respondents)

Parking mobile application

  • Most traders and shoppers were not aware of the existence of the mobile parking app, UbiPark
  • Shoppers’ view of the mobile parking app was very poor, and the main reasons cited were the practicality of the intended use and legality towards operating the app while driving (even though it was clarified that the app should not be used while driving)
  • Traders’ view of the mobile parking app was inconclusive given the small sample size and low response rate to this question.

What we’re doing:

Evaluation of the technology has shown that there are benefits associated with the service by promoting underutilised carparks to relieve pressure on high demand spaces. Council will consider the outcomes of this consultation when evaluating the option of introducing the service across other Major Activity Centres in Bayside.

Next steps

Council will consider community feedback and the outcomes of the evaluation of the parking technology project delivered in the Church Street Major Activity Centre at the 28 June 2022 Council Meeting.

It is recommended that consideration for implementation of parking technology across other Major Activity Centres be referred to the Bayside Parking Strategy.

Council meeting

​Council Chamber Civic Centre Boxshall Street Brighton