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About this project

Between 24 April - 14 May 2024 we received feedback from 10 participants. This included 9 participants who completed the online survey and 1 participant who uploaded a written statement. In addition, there was feedback from 1 respondent captured via a phone call and email exchanges.

Participant feedback:

Feedback on the proposed Annual Action Plan was limited, however the nine completed surveys showed a high level of detailed consideration of the Action Plan. Overall, there was more agreement or neutral response that the proposed actions would help progress the delivery of all goals:

• Goal 1: Our Planet (78% (7), agreement 11% (1) neutral, 11% (1) disagreement)

• Goal 2: Our People (33% (3) agreement, 33% (3) neutral, 33% (3) disagreement)

• Goal 3: Our Place (33% (3) agreement, 44% (4) neutral, 22% (2) disagreement)

• Goal 4: Our Promise (33% (3) agreement, 77% (6) neutral or unsure)

Concerns raised included pace and density of new housing development linked to increase of high polluting combustion vehicles into Bayside streets, traffic and pedestrian safety, impact of tourism strategies on locals, including vehicles influx; investment in youth hubs and infrastructure (not just sporting facilities), concerns regarding the outdated masterplans, streetscapes and general cleanliness for Black Rock, Hampton Street and Sandringham village; impact of housing density and appropriate medium-long term planning.

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(03) 9599 4444

Bayside City Council, 76 Royal Avenue

PO Box 27, Sandringham VIC 3191

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