
New staged approach for the proposed Cycle Sandringham bike route

23 November 2023

Council has supported the recommendation to further split the delivery of the Sandringham to Cheltenham Cycling Connection at its November 2023 meeting.

Council has also supported the delivery of Stage 1, Section 1 of the cycling connection in the current financial year and delayed the delivery of Stage 1, Section 2 of the project until the 2025/26 financial year.

Stage 1, Section 1 works involve:

  • Linemarking on Melrose Street
  • A pedestrian refuge island on Melrose Street
  • A shared path along the existing footpath on Beach Road between Melrose Street and Bay Road
  • Minor works on Royal Avenue near Beach Road
  • Linemarking at the intersection of Royal Avenue / Fernhill Street
  • Linemarking on Royal Avenue.

A speed reduction is also proposed on Royal Avenue and Fernhill Street from 60km/h to 50km/h between Bay Road and Bluff Road, subject to Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) approval.

Targeted community consultation will be undertaken with directly impacted properties prior to the delivery of Stage 1, Section 1.

Find out more

Read the detailed Council Report and view the new proposed route in the 21 November 2023 meeting agenda and meeting minutes.