
What you told us about proposed Cycle Sandringham route

15 May 2023

We wanted to know the level of community support for the proposed bike route, likely future use and how the route could be improved, such as through supporting infrastructure like bike parking hoops, drinking water fountains, and bicycle repair stations.

Between 27 January 2023 – 26 February 2023, we heard from more than 600 community members via online survey and conversations at drop-in sessions about their views on the proposed bicycle route.

What you told us

The majority of participants supported the proposed Cycle Sandringham route, with common reasons including it was safer (especially for children), encourages a healthy lifestyle, and offers better visibility for bike lanes.

  • A majority (58%) of the 233 online survey respondents either strongly (45%) or somewhat (13%) supported the proposed bicycle route. However, around half (52%) of the 45 property owners/residents along the proposed route were either strongly (48%) or somewhat (4%) opposed.
  • The overwhelming majority (88%) of 352 participants at drop-in engagement sessions either strongly (77%) or somewhat (11%) supported the proposed bicycle paths.

Among those who opposed the proposed bicycle path, common concerns included a perception that there wasn’t a demonstrated need; it won’t improve existing traffic related hazards and will disrupt traffic; and there are better route choices available.

Half of the survey respondents told us they were likely to ride on the proposed bicycle path if constructed, for a mix of both recreational and commuting uses. A key suggestion to encourage use of the proposed bicycle path was an increase in off-road paths.

What we’re doing:

Community views about the proposed Cycle Sandringham route varied and some common issues and alternative solutions were raised.

Council officers are now considering information from key stakeholders and the detailed feedback gathered through the community consultation. This process includes further consideration to adjusting the proposed route to increase off-road sections, given the strong support for off-road cycling paths.

A complete report on the findings from community engagement will be published within a future Council meeting agenda. As a project subscriber, we’ll send you an email update when this is available.

Next steps:

Council is expected to consider a report on the proposed Cycle Sandringham route and community feedback at a Council meeting in the coming months.