
Webinar with the developer

31 August 2021

Find out more about the proposed development plan for the former CSIRO site on Graham Road in Highett and tune in on Wednesday 1 September 5.30-6.30pm to hear from the developer, Sunkin Property Group, who will outline its application and answer questions from the community. Register for the webinar

Council is asking for community feedback on the developer’s proposal. This feedback will be considered by Council when assessing the development plan. All submissions must be made in writing via our Have Your Say website or to 76 Royal Avenue, Sandringham 3191 to be considered. Thank you to everyone who has already provided their feedback.

The proposed development features privately owned residential housing. It does not include community or public housing. Planning controls applying to the site include the Residential Growth Zone – Schedule 3 (RGZ3) and the Development Plan Overlay – Schedule 2 (DPO2). These controls were applied to the site by the Victorian Minister for Planning prior to its sale to Sunkin Property Group and reflect the central and well serviced location within 500ms of the Highett shopping precinct and railway station.

To find out more about the assessment process and planning controls, visit the FAQ page or book a meeting with a member of our strategic planning team.

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