
Ten community members appointed to Committee

18 March 2021

Council appointed 10 community members to its new Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee (DAIAC) from an impressive field of 30 applications at its Ordinary Meeting on 16 March 2021. The Committee will assist Council in addressing the barriers that prevent people from accessing, participating and being included in the day-to-day activities that many take for granted.

The community members who will join Councillors Clarke Martin and Hanna El Mouallem on the Committee are Ade Djajamihardja, Andrew Turner, Emily Costello, Emma Olivier, Jeff Naylor, Jo Levett, Margaret Hamilton, Mark Glascodine, Sam Seoud and Tara Webb.

Bayside Mayor Laurence Evans OAM said “Council is very grateful to all the people who expressed interest in contributing their time and experience to helping improve access and inclusion in Bayside.”

As a Committee of Council, the Advisory Committee will have a direct influence on major strategic decisions and initiatives. The first priority of the Committee is to help shape our Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 (MPHWP) from the perspective of people with lived experience of disability. The MPHWP includes Council’s Disability Action Plan.

Membership selection was based on criteria within the Committee’s Terms of Reference, with the aim of ensuring that members are representative of the diversity of disability, and span a range of interests and expertise, ages, genders, cultures and Bayside suburbs. Appointments to the Committee are for a 12-month term.

The first meeting of the DAIAC is expected to be held on 12 April 2021.

You can watch the Council meeting here or view the minutes from the meeting here.