
Council adopts the Wangara Reserve Masterplan

24 July 2024

At its July meeting, Council adopted the constraints-based Wangara Reserve Masterplan following consideration of community feedback and expert environmental consultant advice.

It was resolved that through a detailed design process, Council will consider:

  • opportunities to expand the bronzewing habitat areas (north and east)
  • mechanisms to ensure clearer protection and delineation of the bronzewing habitat
  • incorporating planting that discourages noisy miners
  • including education as a key component of interpretive signage on site
  • a target species list and associated habitat strategy to be incorporated into the decision.

The new plan considers the site’s development constraints, due to its former use as a quarry and landfill site; and adheres to the Environmental Action Notices (EANs) relevant to the former landfill site, issued by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA).

Council will continue to engage with the Friends of Native Wildlife, regarding the ongoing planning of the site.

Council also resolved to further consider community feedback regarding active recreation, including various forms of cycling as part of the development of the Recreation Strategy which will be presented to Council on or before June 2025.

As part of the 2025-26 Budget, Council will also consider a process to establish a sensory garden in Bayside and explore minor upgrades to the Bayside Dirt Track at Reserve Road, Cheltenham.

Once land capping requirements are met as set out in the site’s EPA endorsed rehabilitation plan, works will commence on the six hectares of “Interactive Passive Open Space with an Environmental Focus” as supported by Council at the November 2022 meeting.

Read the minutes from the July 2024 meeting.