
Transforming Bayside’s public spaces

13 September 2021

Native birdlife and colourful sea creatures are themes of the first two public toilets being painted by two talented street artists. The artists have nearly completed two public toilets in Dendy Park, Brighton and Willis Street, Hampton, as part of the Council project to deter graffiti with amazing street art. They will move on to the Well Street bridge, Sandringham Life Saving Club, the Cheltenham Girl Guide hall, VicRoads signal boxes and a public toilet in Jack Barker oval next.

Bayside City Council is pleased to support this Victorian Government fully funded project to help get people back to work following the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The project also employs cleaning crews who are out and about removing graffiti and cleaning public spaces in our shopping strips and foreshore areas

Read more about the Graffiti removal and street art project on our website.