About this project

Between 24 April and 19 May 2024, we heard from 63 participants through Have Your Say. This included 43 people contributing to the quick poll surveys, 10 suggestions about locations for street art and murals, 6 contributions to a social pinpoint map, 3 written submissions. One submission was made to the Have Your Say Q & A forum.

Social media was also a key tool for promoting engagement and gathering feedback. A Facebook and Instagram poll was run over the consultation period that made 2,320 impressions and received 132 votes.

Council Officers also met with community groups including the Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee, Graffiti Busters, and Bayside’s Youth Ambassadors to discuss and gather feedback.

Participant feedback

  • Timing for removal of offensive graffiti
    The current target time frame for removing offensive graffiti is 2 hours. Community feedback indicated that 24 hours for removing offensive graffiti was considered a reasonable timeframe, receiving 63.64% of the votes via Have Your Say and 56% of the vote via social media.
  • Graffiti hot spots in Bayside
    Feedback was obtained via a social pinpoint map that demonstrated areas that should be prioritised for graffiti removal. Participants were asked to provide a location of a space where they think is problematic in relation to perceptions of safety, offensive messaging, antisocial behaviour, or whether more policing is required. Public toilets (2 votes) and areas within Brighton East shopping village (2 votes) were among the areas marked for consideration.
  • Removal of graffiti on areas relied on by people with a disability
    Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee (DAIAC) feedback highlighted key aspects of removal that should be prioritised by Council when it comes to graffiti removal for including wayfinding signage relied upon by people with a disability and Changing Places facilities.

  • Removal of graffiti on private assets
    A submission was received that indicated more needs to be done for strategies targeted at removing graffiti on private property space.
  • Data collection for graffiti removal
    A written submission was provided that suggested that we use a more specialised mobile application as opposed to using Council’s website when it comes to reporting graffiti.

Next steps

Council will consider community feedback, including the community engagement report, before adopting the Policy at its meeting on 18 June 2024.

Interested community members can request to be heard at this meeting.

Council meeting: June 18 6.30pm, at Council Chamber Civic Centre Boxshall Street Brighton