
Feasibility analysis for Hampton Hub concepts to be considered by Council

13 February 2024

Council will consider a feasibility analysis on three concepts and additional considerations for the Hampton Hub at its 20 February meeting.

This report follows Council’s 27 June 2023 resolution to carry out a feasibility analysis study on three (3) options for the proposed Hampton Hub.

A consultant team has prepared concept designs and feasibility analysis for the following three development options:

Willis Street Precinct Plan – Hampton Community Infrastructure Masterplan June 2021

  • A civic square containing a purpose-built intergenerational community hub and north facing open space.

Reduced Scope model

  • One council facility that has amalgamated 13 identified facilities around Hampton into the northern section of Willis Street.

Alternative Open Space model

  • A Council facility located in the centre of the Willis Street Precinct with the potential for additional open space at 20-22 Willis Street.
You can read more about these options in the 27 June meeting agenda
Council meeting
Council Chamber Civic Centre, Boxshall Street Brighton
Tuesday 20 February 2024, 6.30pm