
Hampton Commuter Car Park

22 December 2021

At its 21 December Ordinary Meeting, Council considered a report in relation to the potential commuter car park at Service Street in Hampton, beside the Hampton Library.

At this meeting, it was resolved that Council:

1. endorses the at-grade plus basement option at the site (Attachment 2), subject to:

a. the exploration to relocate the ‘Fire Hydrant Tank’ so to maximise the number of car parking spaces delivered on the site

2. only proceeds with the Hampton commuter car park project on the following basis:

a. that short stay public car parking at ground level is maintained on the site

b. the total cost of the project is funded through the Federal Government Urban Congestion Fund

3. considers the future opportunity and suitability to use the at-grade car park for potential public open space purposes (temporarily or permanently) subject to the completion of the:

a. Open Space Strategy

b. Car Parking Strategy

c. Property Strategy.

You can view a recording of the meeting online at or view the minutes here

Council will now proceed to the detailed design stage for the proposal and seek Federal funding to deliver the car park.

Should you have any further questions, please contact Tom Vercoe, Acting Manager Urban Strategy on (03) 9599 4631 or via email to