
Have your say on the draft Masterplan for developing a new Community Hub

23 July 2020

As part of the long-term vision for Hampton, Council is planning a new community hub to connect all current community services and programs in one facility.

Last year, we asked you what you value most about our current community services and facilities in Hampton and how we should be planning for these services into the future.

Based on feedback, we have developed a draft Masterplan that recommends the long-term direction for all 13 Council-owned sites within the Hampton precinct including the library, car parks, Community Centre, Playhouse, Senior Citizens Centre, Maternal and Child Health Centre and Scout Hall.

Each site will have an important role to
play in delivering infrastructure to meet
future community needs and will create a centralised intergenerational facility where the community can gather, enjoy more public open space and improved car parking.

We now need community input on three key areas of the draft plan where feedback has been divided in the past before we can progress to the next stage.

Tell us what you think

We are looking for feedback on:

  • Including the playhouse in the new community hub
  • Exploring the opportunity to build a multi-deck car park on Service Street beside the current Hampton library
  • The level of support for the land sale of surplus sites and opportunities to acquire land for new open space in the area.

You can also leave general feedback on the Draft Masterplan.

Your response will determine how we move forward. If these elements are not supported, then we will need to revise the plans and look at other ways to make the community facility happen.

Due to the current impacts of Coronavirus, Council will not be hosting information sessions for the public to attend. While consultation is open you can ask a question online and fill in a short survey.